Race - Friday Twilight Race Experience - $65/race, $425/series

Join Atlas Sailing - Racing Team for a fun filled adventure on Friday night twilight races from 10 JAN 25.


The SASC Twilight Races on Friday nights from the Sydney Amateur Sailing Club is a tradition worth experiencing.  The series starts in early Oct and contunies through until late Mar - with a short few weeks break for the Festive Season.

It is a great way or close the week  or start the week - always enjoyable and a home spun BBQ at the club afterwards.

Join our Experienced Skippers / Instructors for a day out – combining sailing training and instructional racing.  We’ll compete in the non-spinnaker division.

We aim to provide a fully informed and practised experience. Each race we will have a qualified Instructor on board to provide seamanship, sailing tuition and leadership for the crew.  You’ll be given guidance in all aspects of the yacht setup, sailing procedures and racing tactics.  Over the course of the series, we will rotate crew around the various roles and allow for some helming before, during and after the race.

Our aim is to build confidence and competency of the entire crew – not so much about winning “sheep stations”.

Time / Duration

The races start around 1730 - so boat call is around 1645 and races are generally completed by 1930. 


The Atlas Sailing Racing Team series program includes sailing tuition, race training and race craft on Sydney Harbour before the race and afterwards.

  • Race Training as a Team - You train and compete on board one of our Jarkan 39 race-tuned yacht. On the training days you learn about the boat setup,  race crew roles, hoisting sails, trimming, tacking and gybing.
  • Race Competitively as a Team - training together gives the crew the chance to familiarise themselves with the boat and to settle into roles to race competitively.
  • Race Planning / Strategies / Tactics - having developed your spinnaker handling skills you go on to learn rules, tactics and strategy on the racecourse.
  • Race Series - the Friday Twilight series is conducted by SASC in its normal divisional format.  This is a great chance to get into the Sydney racing scene and meet some yacht owners and crew members for a drink or two after a the evenings raceing.

What's included

Vessel (Cat 7 Safety), raining, safety equipment, racing, entry fees.

Before you start

  • Prior Racing Experience – no mandatory requirement – some experience is helpful.  We encourage you to do some lessons / training courses with us as part of the Australian Sailing program on our smaller keelboats (Hick 30 / Surprise).  Note - all our sailing courses offer a free race experience as part of the package.
  • Australian Sailing number – you need to register for a sailing number to participate in club races.

Race Days

Refer to the schedule of events


  • Single Race – $65pp for an individual race.
  • Race Series - $500 - rase in all of the Friday Night series through out the season (pay for 10 races out of total of 22 races) 
  • Sailing Students “Race Experience” – any student holding a “free race experience” may join any of the SASC Twilight races.  Call the office to make booking.
  • Gift Voucher Holders - – any student holding a “sailing lesson / racing experience” gift voucher may join any of the SASC Twilight races.
  • Min Age –  16yrs and 12 yrs (with Guardian)
  • Refunds and Transfers – if the race event is cancelled by SASC or Atlas Sailing – you can transfer your race.  For full race series the “free reserve” race designed to provide for cancellation / transfers.  We reserve the right to turn any cancelled race into a training day on the harbour in lieu of racing.  Full terms and conditions apply to refunds, reschedule and cancellation.

 What to Bring

Soft soled shoes (white if possible), hat, sunscreen, shoes, wind/rain jacket, gloves (recommended), water bottle. 

Dinner and refreshments at the club afterwards at sailors expense.


Meet at Atlas Sailing Office at Mosman Bay Marina – 4hr parking adjacent and all-day parking nearby on weekends.

Boarding instructions will be provided with the booking notice. 

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