Keelboat Training Session (Private)

Book your private keelboat training or coaching session on our Hick 30 training yacht. Our experienced and professional instructors will be tailor session to your needs. REGISTER YOUR INTEREST or CALL FOR BOOKING.


Private Tuition

Atlas Sailing can provide private tuition for sailors looking to tailor skills or train on their own boat. If you have access to a boat or own a boat and are looking to improve key skills, Atlas Sailing offers top quality private tuition. Our experienced instructors are ready to help you with whatever you would like to improve.

If you are located in the greater Sydney area, we can come to you.

Session Content

Private lessons can be used to improve a number of skills, such as:

  • Boat Handling & Berthing
  • Anchoring
  • Offshore Passages
  • Navigation using paper and electronic.
  • MOB recoveries
  • Heavy-Weather Techniques
  • Helming and steering
  • Reefing and trimming
  • Emergency procedures

 Atlas Sailing’s private tuition can be tailored to your needs.

What's included

Vessel (Cat 7 Safety), raining, safety equipment, racing, entry fees.

What to Bring

Soft soled shoes (white if possible), hat, sunscreen, shoes,
wind/rain jacket, gloves (recommended), water bottle.  


  • Single Session – as per rate card below:
  • $395 for 3 hr booking on "Our Boat".
  • Persons - up to 4 strudents for the session.
  • Min Age – 12 yrs,


Meet at Atlas Sailing Office at Mosman Bay Marina – 4hr & 24hr parking nearby.


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